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ProjectWise Ideas Portal Test
Status Needs review
Categories 3D Design Reviews
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 25, 2023

Bulk creation of iModels

iModels are becoming a very convenient way to conduct design reviews in a federated environment. However, there are early stages of design before federation that require reviewing design files individually rather than in a federated environment. Currently, Infrastructure Cloud supports creating iModels from saved searches, which is a great functionality, but the result is a unique iModel with all the design files linked.

In example, there are projects with hundreds of Revit models that are not georeferenced, for which creating an individual iModel is not appropriate.

We would like to have a "Bulk creation of individual iModels" functionality available in Infrastructure Cloud. It could be integrated inside of the creation of iModels from a saved search, by including a switch in the user interface to "Create individual iModels" for the results of the Saved Search.

This would significantly reduce the efforts for design managers and would enhance the design review experience in Infrastructure Cloud.

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  • Guest
    Oct 2, 2023

    Adding to that, we could have a iModel viewer as part of the PWDI interface to allow us to have an adhoc conversation with a colleague around a 3D model.

    Couple this with the Teams integration and this could become and essential tool.

    As we navigate in this viewer and add measurements and notes, once complete the ad-hoc review, we could decide to save the ad-hoc review to be use further down in the Lifecyle of the project.

    ProjectWise Manage Portfolio has and IFC viewer that play a similar role.

    Seeing PWMP interface in many of the new PW 2023 ( I can only hope this type of viewer (iModel Viewer) will be integrated.

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